
Showing posts from August, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Miwok

Normally, when writing, an author is supposed to consider and ponder the intended audience and the major purpose prior to writing. What follows here is an attempt to somewhat disregard this standard approach not so much so on the audience aspect but rather sidestepping the focus on a focused detailed purpose. Simply put, the aspect of writing may lead to the purpose. Frankly, the conclusion and the writing may end up being absurd because I’m exploring the impossible use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the past. You should be informed that the education this author has on the topic is limited to a four week class centered on the understanding and use of IBM’s Watson (IBM, n.d.). If you follow the stock market and faddish news sources then it’s like you’ve read some hype about AI. Lohr (2021), reports that Watson has not, “panned out”. However, it depends on what is being promised and promoted, the view here is that AI has incredible potential, despite or beyond the hype. Perhaps AI c...