Miwok Casino Wealth and Myth
Miwok Casino Wealth and Myth R. Taylor 11.26.2023 The Miwok people have survived the many historical wrongs perpetrated by migrants to California and pernicious government policy, such as the very first California Governor who said, “... a war of extermination will continue to be waged between the two races until the Indian race becomes extinct must be expected” and then proceeded to authorize $1.29 million in 1850's dollars to subsidize militia campaigns (men with guns) towards that goal (State of California, 2019). Having survived and even thrived since those vicious times we are now on the precipice of individual financial security from gaming revenue. Let us take a moment as a native people, as we do before a hunt or fishing a river or contemplating a serious thought, in order to get in the right frame of mind that recognizes our situation and our surroundings. Let us pause a moment as the Miwok do and imagine the potential of this new wealth. One might think it commons...